Only a couple of days ago I received an update for the BBC iPlayer, what I can only call "the final nail in the coffin" for my Kindle Fire HD 7" (2nd Generation). This was the last update to say that Android Gingerbread was not longer supported.
I have already noticed the ever disappearing apps from the store such as Malwarebyte for example.
It does appear that even if you wanted to carry on using a much liked gadget you are eventually bullied into giving it up. I have had it over 5 years but it is still running okay and the battery is still pretty good.
I had considered retiring it due to the lack of apps now available compared to my mobile phone and the fact that it doesn't integrate with Google Play services but it has a bigger screen and still does media very well including the Kindle books. I guess for now I will use it mainly for books until I find a newer gadget.
R.I.P. Kindle Fire HD 7" (2nd Generation) - 21st August 2017
UPDATE: 05th January 2019 - Despite now the Amazon shopping app now saying 'unsupported use a web browser', The Kindle has a new life for downloading Library books using the app OverDrive: Library eBooks & Audiobooks (Libby is not available for such an old version). The app is a little flakey but works well enough. So with OverDrive, Amazon Books and PDF this will limp along a little longer.
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